The Election Ends Well, But Not Great

3 min readNov 9, 2020

All people who have an ounce of common sense now know that Joe Biden has won the US presidential election and Kamala Harris will be Vice President. While this is undoubtedly good news, it also continues the anxiety that has loomed over us for the past four years. Yes, Trump will be gone on January of 2021, but that is a long time from now and the smoggy, shit smelling atmosphere that he created will continue to suffocate us for a long time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m incredibly happy that Biden won, but I’m also realistic.

Let’s start with the positives. Joe Biden is a good, decent person who is by all means, a moderate Democrat. He has already said that he will be a President for all people, and will not think of Red and Blue states but rather the United States of America. Conservatives will have a hard time hating this man; it reminds me of when Fox News made a big deal out of President Obama wearing a tan suit. I assume their main issue will be that Biden is old, but Biden looked pretty damn energetic with his first speech as President-Elect. Biden will take a sensical approach to governing and will involve people from all walks of life to help him make decisions, and I don’t think this will just be people from California and New York. My hope is that people will begin to see the benefit of a non-crazy person in the White House and will lose some of their sharp edges as time goes on. As I’ve heard said many times already, we don’t need to “go back to what America used to be before Trump” because there were still huge underlying issues with our country, instead we need to forge a path ahead to a brighter future for all Americans, no matter what their political stance, race, religion or sexual orientation/identity.

The other shining light is the fact that Kamala Harris is the first woman to become vice president, and the first woman of color to do so too. It has brought tears to my eyes hearing what this means to Black women across the country, including my own extended family. A woman has never been able to look at the two highest positions of power in the United States and see someone there who looks like them. And to the people who say “Yea, well she’s Black” — tough shit, you had your chance with Hillary and we fucked that up. As we saw with Barack Obama in the White House, this will likely be a catalyst for young women of color to dream bigger. Black women and young Black girls can now really see that they CAN achieve something so high, and that hope can be a superpower.

The negative aspect to all this is there are 70 million people in the United States who don’t get a shit about that hope. They don’t care about having a decent person in the highest office in the country. I question as to how they really believe the past four years have been positive when the division in America has never been so apparent. You must have a lot of hate boiling inside of you if it really makes you feel good to call people a “Libtard” for wanting equal rights for Transgender people. Were you not hugged as a child or something? This type of hatred has existing in America for a long time, and it isn’t going away any time soon. People believe there is something nefarious going on in our election process, and a lot of that is bolstered by Trump’s lies and Fox News spewing nonsense, both of whom are purposefully undermining the Democratic process of our country. As if people didn’t have enough reasons to hate politics. These people say they love our country, but they don’t. They love the power they’ve held in this country.

I am looking forward to the positive change that I believe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will bring, but I’m also deeply worried about the deep divides in our country. Sure, America is the small towns across Kansas, but it’s also the large cities where people of all races intermix. We all need to realize that there is a whole country outside of our own little bubble, and the faster we do so, the faster the our country will become better for everyone.

